Udaipur Bird Festival 2025
11th Edition
Note: Last date for registration of Udaipur Bird Festival (to be held on 17 January, 2025) and Inauguration of Photography, Stamp Exhibition on Birds (to be held on 17 January, 2025) is 10 January 2025.
Programme Schedule
Participants willing to participate in photography exhibition shall submit their photographs of specifications (size 12" X 18", 300 DPI) at the earliest on email-id : dcfwludz@gmail.com, including details of the photographer and his or her passport size photo.
Deputy conservator of Forests,
Wildlife, Udaipur
Why Should We Save Birds

Save Birds

Birds are the greatest indicators of climate change. Their behaviour and disappearance can help us in evaluating the dangers to the environment. This cannot be done by humans.

Insect outbreaks are reduced with the existence of birds. This is true with respect to maintain the insect population in forest and the urban habitat.

Some birds are important pollinators. Some trees will not spread out unless they are pollinated by birds. Not all trees can be planted by humans.

Birds are ideal for promoting conservation and environmental awareness, both as a species in their own right, and the habitats they share with other flora and fauna.
The Bird Is Powered By It's Own Life & Motivation

Birds are extraordinary creatures, perfectly adapted to thrive in the skies. All birds share a universal characteristic—they reproduce by laying eggs.

They have evolved remarkable features for flight, including: Wings, Strong muscles and Hollow bones.

While most birds are designed for flight, some species have lost this ability but continue to amaze with their unique adaptations